EZ Florida Divorce Missing Spouse Divorce

If you can’t find your spouse, you can still get a divorce in EZ Florida Divorce. It might sound surprising, but many people lose contact with their spouse and get a divorce by publication. This type of divorce, known as a “missing spouse divorce,” involves some extra steps compared to an uncontested divorce.

Steps to Take Before Filing for Divorce by Publication

Make a Diligent Effort to Locate Your Spouse

  • Reach out to family members, former employers, and friends.
  • Send a letter to your spouse’s last known address.
  • Try any other means that might help you find your spouse.

If you manage to locate your spouse, you might be able to proceed with an uncontested divorce, which is usually simpler.

Filing for Divorce by Publication

  • When you file for divorce, the court requires you to notify your spouse, giving them a chance to respond. Here’s how it works:

    • Uncontested Divorce: Your spouse signs a document acknowledging they know about the divorce and agree with its terms. No further response is needed.
    • Contested Divorce: Your attorney officially serves delivers the divorce papers to your spouse.

If You Can’t Locate Your Spouse

  • Public Announcement: The court allows you to notify your spouse by publishing a notice in a local newspaper.
  • Publication Period: Once the notice has been published and the required period has passed, if your spouse hasn’t responded, you can finalize the divorce as if it were uncontested.